Nicole Manley
Artist, Environmental scientist, Researcher


Photographic collage on satin silk. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2018. © Nicole Manley 2018.

Photographic collage on satin silk. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2018. © Nicole Manley 2018.

Photographic collage on satin silk. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2018. © Nicole Manley 2018.

Air dried clay and sound sculpture. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2018. © Nicole Manley 2018.

Landsat 7 ETM, bands 2,4, 7 collage and lino cut prints of Red River trace. Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 2018. ©Nicole Manley, 2018.
The Red River
The Red River Delta in Vietnam is a flat low-lying plain formed by the Red River, which flows into the Gulf of Tonkin and is the second largest river in Vietmnam. The delta provides critical supplies of food, energy, water and socio-economic resources to a population of ~30m. The potential for loss of life and livelihoods in the delta is significant in the face of future changes to climate, sea-level, and land-management. There are multiple coupled natural and human hazards and stakeholders means that hazards may interact and cascade through the system. This exhibition explores the relationship of environment to the river and how we alter this environment as the River continues to flow through the landscape.